


Here in the US, getting a driver’s license is considered a right… you turn 16, drive around a 10-minute course, and presto, you’re a licensed driver. But in most other countries like in Finland,



is not that easy; there, a driver’s license is a privilege. Our Steven Chupnick found that out first hand sliding across the ice and over the edge.

STEVEN CHUPNICK: In northern most Europe lies the country of Finland…a land of beauty, history, street cars and some of the strictest driving regulations in the world…but also, some of the longest words in the world…

“So I’m about to attempt the first two stages of obtaining my FINNISH DRIVERS LICENCE here at the Vantaan Likene… let’s just say the driving school…” The word actually translates to driver’s training center, and this is just one of the stops everyone in Finland must go to in order to get their full driver’s license…

MERJA NIKUNEN: Many people even when they are very good at school, they think that it’s very easy. But, it’s not so simple; you have to show the instructor that your driving skills, that you can control yourself, the car environment and you’re driving safe.

SOT: Turn, turn left…

STEVEN CHUPNICK: How did I do? Don’t worry; we’ll reach that point. After the driving test, Americans usually get a provisional license in Finland.

One portion of the process entails more schooling and learning, in and out of the car…

ELINA UUSITALO: Well, in the beginning, first the candidate has to do a self assessment in 7 different categories, like traffic situations, handling the car.

STEVEN CHUPNICK: Here in Finland, safety is the number one priority and students are taught to adapt to change.

KAIJA SAVOLAINEN: Of course, to promote the safety of all the citizens and we have done that through the driving schools.

STEVEN CHUPNICK: Along with knowing how to actually drive the car, students learn to maintain their rides as well…that’s because big brother is watching with random police safety check points all the time.

TUIJA SAARINEN: We have traffic control so much that people have a feeling that they will get caught. We have breath test and everything; we have speeding control so much that I think it’s quite good.

Steven Chupnick emphasizes that in Finland’s four seasons, mastering diverse driving conditions is crucial. Personal experience on a slippery road highlights the value of training.

STEVEN CHUPNICK: We weren’t able to get on the road at night for instruction. Fortunately, there are simulators like these that help the student drive in any and every condition.

The night simulator is an option when real driving isn’t feasible, but it’s as serious as in-car training. Seeking guidance, I consulted Finnish experts Marcus Gronholm and Heikki Kovalainen.

MARCUS GRONHOLM: Driving in rally always you are thinking about the time and you be quick and so, ok, it’s a little bit the same these days in traffic.

HEIKKI KOVALAINEN: It’s quite common in Finland, people start very early; it’s not that you have to be a Formula 1 driver to feel it out. Actually, common driver in Finland is able to handle the car very early.

STEVEN CHUPNICK: I had the chance to drive with Heikki around the track at Premier Park, a unique training course and business conference center in Porvoo, to see how my emergency car handling skills were progressing…

Ok, back to the real question…

STEVEN CHUPNICK: So how did I do, do I get a driver’s license?

MERJA NIKUNEN: Mmmm, after practice for a couple years?

STEVEN CHUPNICK: But do I get points for the name?

MERJA NIKUNEN: Um…please say it.

STEVEN CHUPNICK: Ok, it’s likenichervoleskuskiskus…

MERJA NIKUNEN: Uh, I’m not sure if any Finnish can understand that one…where you want to go. So, it’s Vaantan liken… that’s the place we have been.”

STEVEN CHUPNICK: Exactly what she said.

Well, it looks like I’m going to need a… little…more…practice. So getting a driver’s license in Finland is indeed a privilege…a notion we “Yanks” could certainly afford to import here.0


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