Getting Your New Zealand Driving License

Things to Know Before Getting Your License and Driving in New Zealand

New Zealand Drivers Licence

If you’re planning on getting behind the wheel in New Zealand, whether you’re a resident or a tourist, there are important things you need to know. Driving laws and regulations can vary from one country to another, so it’s essential to educate yourself before hitting the road. Here are a few essential things you should know before driving in New Zealand.

Getting Your New Zealand Driving License

Before you can drive legally in New Zealand, you need to obtain a license. The process of getting a license will vary depending on your age and experience. Here are the following license types available in New Zealand and how to get them.

1. Learner License

If you’re 16 years old or above, you can apply for a learner license. To get a learner license, you should pass a theory test from the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA). Once you have your learner license, you can start learning to drive a car with a supervisor.

2. Restricted License

After six months of holding a learner license or if you’re above 18 years of age, you can apply for a restricted license. To get a restricted license, you should pass a practical test. A restricted license allows you to drive independently, but with some restrictions, like not driving at night or carrying passengers.

3. Full License

With a restricted license, you can apply for a full license after 18 months of holding it. There will be no more restrictions once you get a full license, but you still need to drive safely and obey traffic laws.

Driving in New Zealand

Once you have your license, you’re ready to hit the road. Here are some critical things to keep in mind when driving in New Zealand.

1. Stay on The Left Side

New Zealanders drive on the left side of the road, so the driver’s seat is on the right side of the car. Always keep to the left, both on multi-lane highways and single-lane roads.

2. Follow The Speed limit

Speed limits can vary depending on where you’re driving, so ensure you’re aware of the limit before setting off on your journey. Remember, there might be roadworks or school zones with lower speed limits, so keep an eye out for signs.

3. Wear Your Seat Belt

Seat belts are mandatory in New Zealand, and you risk a hefty fine if you’re caught not wearing one. Ensure that everyone in the car wears a seatbelt.

4. Don’t Drink and Drive

New Zealand has strict laws for drunk driving. The legal limit for blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is 0.05, and the consequences can include a fine, imprisonment, or even losing your license.


Driving in New Zealand can be fun and straightforward if you adhere to the rules and regulations. It’s essential to get your license and keep the above pointers in mind before hitting the road. Now that you know more, make sure to get your Real Fake from our site and save the stress.